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Art Notes

Affordable art

Earlier this year I made a big shift in my art business strategy! I had spent the first few months of 2023 contemplating ideas around what was important to me, my values, how I wanted to share my art, and offering…


There is something magical having the ability to express my feelings and energies through abstract art, using colours, movement, and shapes to create summer's joy. My love of summer…

I know a place where colours collide

I know a place where beauty blooms

I know a place where we can go

To dance, to sing, to laugh

In natures’s joy.


This vibrant…


'A Peaceful Sunday' was created on a quiet Sunday in late summer inspired by the nature surrounding my home.

Influence of my Environment

This original abstract painting was inspired by the passing of my stepfather in 2020, and my mother in 2022, and I wrote a poem expressing my thoughts regarding the energy I continue to feel from them.

Abstract painting-Wilderness Within


Capture Your Inner World with Abstract Art

Writing short poetic forms is another creative aspect I enjoy, especially in expressing my thoughts and…